동작은 간단하다. 세 사람이 삼각 편대로 선 다음 어깨동무하고 차례로 앞으로 점프했다가 뒤로 점프했다가 왼쪽으로 다시 오른쪽으로 점프한다. 함께 춤을 추는 두 사람과 부딪히지 않도록 주의하면서 움직인다.
TRIANGLE DANCE. Combining teamwork, cardio, and crossing the midline, and incredible FUN! This dance has it all! Makes an awesome instant activity ! #physed #triangledance pic.twitter.com/JMygGlECrf
— Justin Cahill (@justybubPE) March 12, 2019
Triangle dance. Nailed it 🙌🏼 pic.twitter.com/16BMYDLyAd
— 🦄 Adamskii 🐻 (@AdamskiJonDicky) March 11, 2019
I like it #TriangleDance pic.twitter.com/ffOJdxdpHA
— Pooja (@poojamehndiratt) March 12, 2019
메트로에 따르면 처음 이 춤은 팝스타 켈리스(Kelis)의 밀크셰이크 곡조에 맞춰 만들어졌다. 처음 몇 주 동안은 밀크셰이크 챌린지로 알려졌었다. 하지만 나중에는 어떤 곡조에도 어울린다는 것을 알고 다양한 노래에 맞춰 춤을 추는 영상이 올라왔다.
The triangle dance challenge comes to @VIRTarHeels with @BDixonMD and @AliciaBlountFNP #Triangledance in the Triangle! #wherewereyouBream? pic.twitter.com/iTxjBq1vxg
— Ari Isaacson (@AriIsaacsonMD) March 12, 2019
4th grade kids want to join in on the triangle dance fun. We learned how to do it for our morning meeting and had a blast! #TRIANGLEDANCE pic.twitter.com/BBxUlHptQk
— Mr. Ong (@WillardTeacher) March 12, 2019
A really fun way to warm up with the #triangledance as demonstrated by Miss Buchanan, Carly and Casey! pic.twitter.com/GR86RMxqmD
— Whitburn Academy PE (@WAC_PE) March 12, 2019
When you are on point with your triangle dance! 👌 #TriangleDance #betterthanus #foundationstage #earlyyears #100percenteffort @LakesideYork pic.twitter.com/M2yyfx4OPx
— Mrs Hadfield (@MrsJHadfield) March 13, 2019