madiwagnerphotography 인스타그램
madiwagnerphotography 인스타그램
지난 11월 4일(현지시각) 미국 텍사스주에서 헬리콥터 추락사고가 발생했습니다. 헬리콥터는 윌 바일러(Will Byler, 23) 와 배일리 아커만(Bailee Ackerman, 23)의 결혼식 피로연에 추락했고, 세 명의 사망자를 낳았습니다. 바일러와 아커만, 그리고 헬리콥터 조종사가 죽은 겁니다. 부부가 될 두 사람은 샘 휴스턴(Sam Houston) 대학의 졸업반 학생이었습니다. 바일러는 헬리콥터에서 그녀에게 프러포즈를 했고, SNS에 약혼을 맺었다는 글을 올렸습니다. 앞으로 모든 게 완벽할 것만 같았습니다. 텍사스 샌 안토니오(San Antonio) 외곽에서 찍은 약혼식 영상에서 그들은 세상의 모든 행복을 다 가진 표정이었습니다. 결혼식 날짜가 다가왔을 때 신부 아커만은 SNS에 “자신이 꿈꿔왔던 것보다 훨씬 행복하다”는 말을 남겼습니다. 마침내, 결혼식 당일에는 이른 오전에 식을 끝내고 오후에는 피로연을 치렀습니다. 늦은 밤이 다 되어서야 부부는 신혼여행을 떠나기 위해 헬리콥터로 향했습니다. 하지만 헬리콥터의 추락으로 인해 부부의 뒷모습은 모두에게 마지막이 되었습니다. 현재 미국의 공공안전부와 연방항공청은 추락의 원인이 무엇인지 밝혀내기 위해 조사 중이라고 전했습니다.
Today, my heart hurts. I received a phone call this morning that i wouldn’t wish upon anyone. I sat down with Will + Bailee a couple weeks ago over dinner & all they could do was smile & giggle at one another & talk about their upcoming wedding. I remember the first time I ever met Will + Bailee like the back of my hand. We were running around like a bunch of hooligans after the college rodeo. The night ended with 15 Americans + 4 Canadians in a mini van Uber & about 40 McDoubles from McDonalds. These two loved each other SO much & it was evident for anyone who was ever around them. // Last night, family + friends gathered around to watch these two become one at their most magical, fairytale wedding. This morning, the family received word that their helicopter they had left the wedding in the night before, had crashed into the mountain side a few miles from the ranch. I am having a hard time comprehending this whole situation, but I have not once asked why. These two spent their last day on this earth celebrating with their most cherished loved ones- I believe it truly was the best day of their lives. I am so saddened by this news, but now Mr. & Mrs. Byler will join our Jesus in heaven and have the most abundant marriage with no troubles, no temptation, no worries. I know for certain God needed these two sweet souls more than we did here on earth. I know for certain they have made him proud, for the work they have done here on earth as well. To see all of the people that loved these two so greatly is a blessing. As a Christian i know that God’s hands are upon them and what better honeymoon could anyone ever imagine than entering those gates and spending their first days as husband and wife at God’s right hand. I hope Will & Bailee know just how much we all love them, I’m certain they do! // Today I am praying hard for the Ackerman & Byler family. Hold your loved ones tight, say your I love you’s. We truly never know when the good Lord is going to call us home. Here is to Mr. & Mrs. Byler, 2 of the most beautiful people you will ever meet inside & out, and here is to eternal happiness in heaven with our beautiful savior!
Madi Wagner | Photographer (@madiwagnerphotography)님의 공유 게시물님, 2018 11월 4 2:15오후 PST
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